Zanjabil Mashkura Venezuela used to be one of the richest and most powerful countries of Latin America. The South American powerhouse with its promising economy turned upside down at the end of the last decade due to a major economic collapse and political crisis. Everyday thousands of people are leaving their homeland, some stuck in the hospitals while the potential youths are turning into street beggars. Mothers are giving away their children and people are searching for food in dustbins instead of local markets. The local currency Bolivar is crumbling down due to hyperinflation, and with an unstable government and constant corruption, the once healthy nation is now falling apart day by day. According to some economists, the root of the current economic distortion in Venezuela is the result of government mismanagement and the new US sanctions imposed by President Donald Trump.
So how did Venezuela go from being a wealthy Latin American nation to a state of complete disaster?
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Kefayet Alfesan On November 8, 2016 the world held its breath in disbelief as Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. Since then it has been a presidential journey unlike any other in modern history. Almost every week the president made news that fundamentally changed the way in which the American politics work. From the notorious Muslim ban to separating children from their parents in the border, what haven’t we seen in the first term of Donald Trump!
It’s true that very few people predicted that Donald Trump would be elected in the first place as his campaign was overwhelmed with controversies and outlandish propaganda. But in the end, Donald Trump proved himself to be victorious posing serious doubts in the various pre-election polls which said Trump was never going to win. As we enter into a new decade where Donald Trump’s first term in office is soon coming to an end it is worthwhile to delve into the issues that will dominate the U.S. presidential election in 2020. The Impeachment trial Donald Trump is the 3rd president in US history to be impeached after two votes in the Democratic party dominated House of Representatives. But his removal from white house requires 20 Republican votes in the Republican dominated Senate which will take place after a historic senate trial. While it is clear as daylight that the Republican votes will be much shorter than 20 yet it has failed to reduce any enthusiasm in the Democrats to commit to this impeachment process. It seems that the Democrats are trying to create as big of a spectacle as they can. This can be used as a campaign narrative against Donald Trump and the Republican party as a whole. It is a tool which the Democrats are planning to use to create a media narrative which portrays how biased and unlawful the Republicans are if they choose to vote in favor of trump. The trials are expected to begin in January and surely this will be a major player in the 2020 Presidential election. Mansurul Kafi, Numair Ahmmed Black Death - one of the most catastrophic events in the history of mankind - was an epidemic of plague which made massive changes in the course of European history. The term Black Death actually originated from the mistranslation of the Latin word ‘atra’ which means both terrible and black. The major outbreak of plague throughout Europe diminished about one third of the continent's population. It was mainly an epidemic of bubonic plague that changed the social and economic features of the infected regions. The Black Death became the most significant event of the mid-fourteenth century, incurring heavy losses on the development of human civilization.
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