Economics Study Center hosted "Embracing Economics" for the 101st batch of the department on 14th November 2022.. It is an orientation program for the first year students of the department. In the event a presentation was arranged to introduce ESC's activities to the new students. To make the event more vibrant an exciting quiz was arranged where freshmen actively participated. Our honorable chiraman and moderator of the club Dr. M. M. Akash was present at the event and shared words of encouragement with his students.
ESC Dialogue is the signature panel discussion event of the organization which facilitates discourse on pressing socio-economic issues related to Bangladesh. The episode has addressed the current energy crisis in Bangladesh, and how our energy policies play a role in this, discussing remedies and what the future holds for us. Session Chair: Dr M.M Akash, Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Dhaka Panelists: 1)Dr Ahsan H Mansur,Executive Director, Policy Research Institute (PRI) 2)Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Research Director, Centre for Policy Dialogue(CPD) 3)Dr Badrul Imam, Honorary Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka Economics Study Center (ESC) has organized a lecture by Professor Fahad Khalil on Thursday, 11 August, 2022. He is a Castor Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Washingto. He specializes in contract theory, game theory and industrial organization.
Professor Khalil has given a lecture on the topic "An Introduction to the Theory of Incentives". In the lecture, he talked about the field of information economics, discussing about the various information asymmetries existing in various places, such as in auctions, insurance markets and while tipping in restaurants. Economics Study Center (ESC) has organized a Public Lecture by Dr. Shyamal Chowdhury on Thursday, 12 May, 2022. He is a Professor at the School of Economics, University of Sydney and a Research Fellow at IZA-Institute of Labor Economics. He specializes in development economics. Dr. Chowdhury has given an explanatory presentation on his research. Current research interests of his include migration, microfinance, technology adoption and human capital development in developing countries. In the lecture, Dr. Shyamal focused on how well-established social inferences look different in reality through the data collected from household surveys in four districts of Bangladesh for research purposes. He also focused on how economic preferences are formed and if we are able to influence that since educational and labor market outcomes, financial success, health status are crucial for the economic profile of a country.
On Sunday, March 20, 2022, Economics Study Center (ESC) organized a public lecture by Dr. Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Professor of Economics at Yale University. The lecture was separated into two sections. Dr. Mushfiq Mobarak presented his research on seasonal poverty in the first segment of the lecture -"Innovations to Address Seasonal Poverty: A Research Program in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Indonesia." In the second segment - "Pathways to Ph.D. Programs in Economics," Professor Mobarak discussed the opportunities of PhD application programs for Economics graduates. Dr. Fahad Khalil, Professor of Economics at the University of Washington, and Dr. Rumana Haque, Professor of Economics at the University of Dhaka, shared their insightful remarks with the audience. The North South University Young Economists' Forum served as the event's Youth Engagement Partner. Representatives from the US Embassy Dhaka also spoke at the event. Students from various universities, academicians, renowned economists, researchers, and other professionals, as well as members of the media, attended the lecture with much enthusiasm. The session concluded with an interactive question answer session on the topics. After an 8-day-long session, the 4th Bangladesh Economics Summit marked its end on 3rd March 2022. Economics Study Center arranged an after-party for all the organizers who made the whole event possible. It was a day filled with fun, food, and laughter. We once again thank our volunteers for their contribution!
ESC held its 2nd Study Circle this year on the topic of "Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Its Economic Fallout" on Sunday, 27th February. New members from the 100th batch of Econ DU participated enthusiastically in the discussion along with the rest of the members. The historical context of the crisis, the incentive structures of superpowers, and the economic impact of geopolitics were discussed.
Economics Study Center hosted "Embracing Economics", an orientation program for the first year students of the department on 20th January 2022. A presentation to introduce new students to ESC's activities was followed by a lively quiz segment. Our orientation happily coincided with the visit of our much respected faculty members Dr S.M. Ashiquzzaman and Dr Ummul Hasanath Ruthba, who shared a few words of encouragement with the students.
Economics Study Center and the EMK Center organized the third episode of ‘People’s Debate’ on Saturday, 23rd October, 2021. People’s Debate was launched in 2019 which brought together experts, professionals, and youth and encouraged freedom of expression on pressing issues. The third episode will address the issue of capital flight, offshoring the wealth of developing nations, tax evasion, and the impediments it imposes on attaining inclusive development in such nations.
The recent leak of financial documents has exposed massive stores of illicit wealth belonging to world leaders and billionaires (including names from India, Pakistan, and Nepal). Vast holdings in offshore banks and tax havens have created a global system that benefits elites and powerful corporations through tax avoidance schemes. It leads to worsening wealth disparities, depriving the poorer populations of vital public services and basic infrastructures like schools, hospitals, and roads. With recent revelations, it has become more urgent than ever to discuss the necessary regulatory preconditions for strong financial and economic development in these countries. The panellists of this session shed light on what enables illicit financial flows from developing countries and their consequences, and how we can build sound policies for more equitable income distribution within the economy. |